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Everything posted by GUNNZZY

  1. are you guys still allowing streaming for aa-2 servers?
  2. no bro read the post and ck the link bann was removed from mbi and eb...lol...
  3. Wednesday 03.21.2012 [12:00PM] Violations #79551, #89246, #89296, and #89229 have been converted to Restriction kicks in our system since they can be triggered by common macro programs. We encourage server admins to give players the benefit of the doubt for these violation numbers as some of the kicks were not caused by a cheating macro. I KNEW HE WAS CLEAN KEEP FIGHTING GUYS DONT GIVE UP... http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-8bfcd66c-vb254679.html SOLID INFO and persistance wins everytime hombre!!!!! BANN REMOVED!!!
  4. This one is a tough one. My first instinct is to trust that pb caught something, but Ive never ran across anything like this. I just donwloaded the COMPLETE bf3 banlist from pbbans, over 6563 bans. These are the only bans which triggered that violation (note that I replaced 79551 with some added text to make it easier to find them in that big list) OK, so the first thing that bothers me about this is that I know for a fact that each hack maker has a designated code assigned to him by evenbalance so that they can recognize his code. It is always 5 digits and usually starts with the number 5. Secondly, no hack out there has only been caught once. Hacks get caught multiple times, thats why you see the same 5 digit codes beside the hack log in the pbbans banlist on different dates. You would also see different dates next to the same ban code because what are the odds that every single person who used said hack logged in on the same day? Slim to none. Every single one of these 79551 bans was on the exact same day, March 8....................there has never been another 79551 ban on any other day before or since. Thirdly, you can look up all of these players that caught the 79551 ban and none of them have anything even remotely close to hacker stats. Sorry, but I believe some of these bans are incorrect.. Please look into this gents...this is solid info..
  5. thanks for the help gents...
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-8bfcd66c-vb254679.html This gent has been trying to explain to us that he has not commited any violation at all.. Im having a hard time believing him and i am here to get some sort of confirmation from you guys on what i can tell him. He has tried to explain himself several times to no avail it comes back as bs in my eyes.. Can i get someone to take a look at this and see what you think,his membership depends on it ty and good day..
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