I'm so ticked off right now so if I start rambling you'll understand. Last Thursday, I was getting pummeled by 3 guys that knew were I was even when I was hidden in corners while sneaking up on them. I got so pissed I started searching the web to find this stupid hack they had to be using.. I found a video of **do not post cheat site names**that showed me what they had to be using. I went to their website, downloaded it, ran it, ended up killing more of my own guys, because the friendly would turn red when close to me so I had -numbers.
I did notice while having it, that there are a lot of people using these hacks. I can tell by their response on where I move, they move along or face me while I'm moving.. Hate hacks!!!!
I played maybe 3 games with this hack and logged for the night and haven't used it since. I've played every day since that day and today I log on for the first time today and I'm kicked saying PB bans me for 2 min because I'm using a Wall Hack.. WTF!! I'm not using a @#$@#$ Wall Hack and didn't even know what one was until Thursday. So I go in and delete the files that I downloaded, went through registry trying to find a trace and did, deleted it, removed any possible file related to MSX then rebooted. I've been trying to play for the last 5 hours and I keep getting this stupid @#$@#$@#$ Message about banned for 2 min for using a wall hack!!
How do I get myself off this stupid ban? How do I use it for a few hours and get banned like this 5 days later and these noobs running around constantly with a hack keep playing?
I don't need anyone flaming me, I know, I shouldn't have installed it, but I had to find out what this shit was all about so I can recognize when someone has it. Still, how do I get banned 5 days later and why does it say I'm on a 2 min ban for the last 5 hours? I've even reinstalled BF2 and I cant get off it. I can easily change out my network card, but I not trying to get around PB, I just want off this stupid ban.