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About Iroc

  • Birthday 06/11/1971

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  1. Alright have the server setup and it appears to be streaming ok. The ip info is : Now I guess I just need the tag/team name change to to -OSS-/Old School Shooters when possible. Thanks again and sorry for any hassle. -Chuck
  2. Will do bro just wanted to make sure that was a possibilty first. Thanks :)
  3. Hi Guys, Currently I am an admin for the Old School Shooters clan and am wanting to setup streaming to pbbans, however my account is still attached to account #2265 which was for my former defunct clan of X|R~. My question is can I just have my account updated or do I need to apply for a new account totally? Thanks for any help. Chuck
  4. Good deal, thanks for the help Fozzer :)
  5. Hey guys, I'm not real sure if it has to do with all the switchover stuff but I seem to have lost my SGA status and related forums access. I do have two servers streaming without any problems that I can see, so if you get a free second it would be much appreciated if you could look into it. :) Thank you, Iroc PS my account # is 2265 if that helps any.
  6. Hi Guys, Just a real quick question. In the pbsv.cfg, which lines are required to be there to do the live streaming to the hub? Sorry it may be a noob question, but I am already running that particular file for TWL and it would seem to be easier just to edit my current config. Sorry I did search first if this has been answered but not much is returning with a 2 word search. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Hey guys, Sorry to bug you but I had a file go corrupt on our server and had to reinstall COD 2 on it. Could you please check this server again since I had to reupload the hub files and it's not showing now in the MSI list. Thank you, Iroc
  8. Thank you Fozzer, much appreciated sir. :)
  9. Thanks Foxdie for adding those 3, and the server should be good to go now too. Take Care, Iroc :)
  10. Hub Game: COD 2 Clantag: .:|BC|:.
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