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  1. okay, right now my buddy is investigating, and has found his guid, so he is goin to ban it, but i think thats all the info he has? Ill b in touch.
  2. thank you, for the info, i will have to catch up with him, and let him now your thoughts, cool i have that command pb_sv_plist, im gonna have to see about his version of punkbuster, there are admin issued levels but only our clan members have the most access, were all pretty close to one another, honest. this guy is out of control he changes about 10 names in 10 sec. when i hit my tab key to show players the names change like crazy. like 10 at a time. He just keeps saying hes the hacker and theres nothin we can do. i will keep intouch.
  3. is this the info you were looking for? Also streaming is not an option for me, but is for my buddy, i however am gonna try rconIT i guess.
  4. i play on my buddys server a game called enemy territory and had a hacker come on changing everyones name. Now i know my buddy has the latest pb, this instance is rare but hes not coming up with any info, is there any helpful commands i might try till by buddy gets back to sort this out, rcon commands for ip or guid or something more than just listplayers, thanks for your time.
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