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  1. Anything else sweeheart, maybe my account ID? ;)
  2. BF2142 EULA is another story, (by the way, I don't and won't have BF2142). "so what do you propose, PB supporting fraud? I'm sure you're violating the EULA": this comment is completly stupid! You know it requires you to have a legitimate BF2 game to be able to dl the addons (which you have to pay for! ;) ). I just feel I should be able to use a NOCD to launch my legitimate games at any time. I completly support anti-cheat policies, but their must be a way to recognise legitimate games before banning users. ;)
  3. Hi, I'm new here and try to understand some of the PB banning policies, and I'm getting prrety frusted! I've been banned today after re-installing BF2 on my PC (corrupted file/memory (81159)), because I'm using a NOCD on a legitimate game I invested in! The reason I'm using a NOCD is not to have to use 2 DVD's to play this game on our two PC's and be able to go multiplayer with my son, and also to avoid using the DVD! It seems PB is unable to track any legitimate game, but they're able to track any (presumed) offender and banned them Global if they want! Should I undersand PB security excessive anti-cheat policies will limit my investments intention regarding any games supprted by PB? (so far Electronic Arts, id Software, 2K, Red Storm Entertainment, Dream Execution Technology, Ubisoft and more to come...). PB will do a great job keeping peoples away from some lucrative PC game business, if they don't change they're way of preventing fraud! ;) A very angry customer! :angry: Thanks, Goldfish!
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