ey ppl i got a tryout for my clan
but i checked him on yawn:
and it says he got caught hacking some time before:
Violation Feb 20, 2006 - 16:16:35 pOfliN [israel] #9002: MD5Tool Mismatch: 4dv4nc3d.dll (len=2048)
so i asked him for it cause i dont wont any hackers in my clan.
he told me:
<TeRM1> its aconfig problem i had
<TeRM1> when i switched it
<TeRM1> its gone
so why did clanbase checked me
<TeRM1> and said all k
<TeRM1> some clanbase admin
<TeRM1> i told u its problem
<TeRM1> from normande.cfg
<TeRM1> by raziel
<TeRM1> the reflex program that fcked my config
<TeRM1> when i changed it
<TeRM1> all gone
<TeRM1> and u dont trust me
well i think he talks shit but i dont got a clue about this stuff
so experts out there pls help me.