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Everything posted by wingdude

  1. ahhh thanksss :rolleyes:
  2. whats a team account :D
  3. Ip is it is still streaming
  4. Hey why i lost my streaming ... thingy admin status ?? my server is still streaming wanted to look for new config and lost permission :o
  5. wingdude


    uww :huh: forget it looked on it again in super slow mode he throughs it really :S :S sorry i am blind noob
  6. wingdude


    he didnt throughs it away he just switch to his weapon u cant do this normally :o
  7. wingdude


    u have to go forward till 1:50 is left on time then whatch the second nade ;)2007_01_30_201053_goldrush.rar and ye i fucked up the topic :S
  8. hub et eRus 'public'
  9. thx fozzer that clears it generally for me :D
  10. ok another guy same story almost but i dont know shit so i am asking again :D http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=12610 http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecod...pbGuid=ca3f0254 why is he not on global ban list? why i cant find players who are clean omg :.(
  11. ok thx
  12. ey ppl i got a tryout for my clan but i checked him on yawn: http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?d-1588-...de=ET&nick= and it says he got caught hacking some time before: Violation Feb 20, 2006 - 16:16:35 pOfliN [israel] #9002: MD5Tool Mismatch: 4dv4nc3d.dll (len=2048) so i asked him for it cause i dont wont any hackers in my clan. he told me: <TeRM1> its aconfig problem i had <TeRM1> when i switched it <TeRM1> its gone so why did clanbase checked me <TeRM1> and said all k <TeRM1> some clanbase admin <TeRM1> i told u its problem <TeRM1> from normande.cfg <TeRM1> by raziel <TeRM1> the reflex program that fcked my config <TeRM1> when i changed it <TeRM1> all gone <TeRM1> and u dont trust me well i think he talks shit but i dont got a clue about this stuff so experts out there pls help me.
  13. ok should work now pls trie again :)
  14. hub game:et clantag: eRus
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