i just got a laptop and it lets me download the map for et..then right as soon as i get in it closes out without saying anything....?
I don't have any clue where to start..any one else have one?
When i log on to the server i usually play on it loads up fine and then it lets me in fer like maybe 5 seconds and disconnects me and say Server Disconnected for Unknown Reason. Hopefully you guys can come through for me agian plz... <_<
well i enter /r_detailTextures 0, it does nothing.....but when i do /r_detailTextures = 0 it soemtiems works and soemtimes it does nothing?!?....and i have no idea wut ur talkin about wiht the file mod config..w/e
ok here's the deal I put in the code just like you said and did everything....and it still gives me the message and keeps kicking me...what do i do now?
is that the way to make it zero or that a guess..becasue i trieds that and it did nothing..i kept getting a warning message.
I'm do no run the server and i don't havew the ref code...i'm a player...if that helps any.
Thx for the reply<