when we load a clanwar config, do all cvarand md5check from pbsvuser.cfg are ok or not ?
I ask that because of this lines when you load a XoX clawar config :
command "pb_sv_enable"
command "pb_sv_kicklen 1"
command "pb_sv_cvarempty"
command "pb_sv_md5toolempty"
and when you look at the server logs you see that :
^3PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.285 | A1382 C1.523) Enabled
^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_KickLen = 1 (0 to 60)
^3PunkBuster Server: Cvar List (in Memory) has been Emptied
^3PunkBuster Server: MD5Tool List (in Memory) has been Emptied