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Everything posted by ralaoups

  1. well I talk about the clanbase config .... so " rcon password exec mychecks.cfg" every time we load a clanbase config can be a solution.
  2. when we load a clanwar config, do all cvarand md5check from pbsvuser.cfg are ok or not ? I ask that because of this lines when you load a XoX clawar config : command "pb_sv_enable" command "pb_sv_kicklen 1" command "pb_sv_cvarempty" command "pb_sv_md5toolempty" and when you look at the server logs you see that : ^3PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.285 | A1382 C1.523) Enabled ^3PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_KickLen = 1 (0 to 60) ^3PunkBuster Server: Cvar List (in Memory) has been Emptied ^3PunkBuster Server: MD5Tool List (in Memory) has been Emptied
  3. hi got new server : Name Enemyterritory.fr Tag ET-FR Account ID 441 ip X3Mservers.net - TFW Black
  4. Name 3F Tag 3F hello : is it possible to change team account 3F and Tag with : Name Enemyterritory.fr tag : ET-FR Web site : http://www.enemyterritory.fr thanx
  5. HUB Game: ET clantag #et-merc.fr
  6. Hub Game: ET ClanTag 3F thx
  7. :D heu bizarre ? c est reproductible ou pas ^^
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