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  1. Like AcE said Both screenshots are clean. First 1 is Speccing someone while respawning (If you press enter you can see 1st & 3rd person vieuw) First ScreenShot: The first screenshot is clean Obviously. it's not 3rd person hack. Most 3rd person hacks have a Crosshair. How Do You Reconize? How did i reconize.. well first of what AcE said he's speccing or waiting to respawn. The possition of the Shotgun on the screenshot says enough. 3rd players aim higher. Info If play in a 1st person server you always can spec someone durring the game in 3rd person vieuw. That's how screenshots are looking like 3rdperson vieuw. A First person player Aims more to the spot where the ''3rd hacker'' is aiming. A Third person player Aims Higher & Aims more with like 3Cm of the top of the gun in the same line of the gun. Easy to detect 3rdplayes. but alot of 3rd players are also using Walhacks with WALLS REMOVED (Nop didn't see it much. but only on the floor there are like little walls you just can see trough the whole map.
  2. **edit** HACK Can be a few different hacks. PB have seen them before sure. Let me explain. **No. Edit** i've seen ScreenShots before of DJ before & when he was in the clan. never seen anything obviously but now he is in TGK or <VoLTz> i think. i'll contact their leader's & see if they got something wierd on their ScreenShots.
  3. All walhacks. The last 3 are for sure Wallhacks. the first 1 is Wierd. but is a wallhack also. if you watch good at the ScreenShot you can see that the players feet is on the wall. Since i know it's not possible to do a handplant or wallwalking in SOF2. Also if you look you see that the player is verry small.. because hes far away How you can make sure it's a wh the first one. Well verry simply The position of the client doesn't show the gate to go under ( under bridge ) . Means hes verry close with going to the Bridge gate or Backpack. Because hes so close it's not possible that the other PLAYER show's so little up. Nice catch
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