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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Well yes I've heard of antilag but it appears to not have been enough for you to use! ;)
  2. Thanks! I did send it to him, but he hasn't picked it up yet. When he does and hopefully gets back to me I'll direct him here. AFAIK they do stream to both PsB and PBBans.
  3. Hello! New to this, so if this isn't a good spot to post a demo link please redirect me, but the other night I demoed a guy that had a high ping, 292-300 that wasn't missing much. During the demo it just appears that he aims in the general direction of the enemy and hits no matter what. Can you all take a look and see if this is some sort of bot he's using to make up for his very high ping? Taken off Newbies Welcome: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~lindg020/wtfhow.dm_60
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