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    Silent Battalion
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  1. Clan name: Silent Battalion Head Admin : Zee3b Clan tags : |sB| Game name : F.E.A.R Server info: Web site: http://z.greatnuke.com Thanks.
  2. Sozz i was awayy heres da server ip port Not only this one though the others too.......... And i experinced i never get lagged on servers with no pb enabled....... and i experiance a 10 sec delay when my fear sends information to pb .......... while im playing........... Welll i have another doubt i am on 30 mbps down and 15 mbps upload ( direct to my pc).......... Can that be the reson why im glitchy and lagy sometimes........ as i noticed Fear multiplayer dont have a option of more den 10 mbps but ... then why would i not get lagged on servers with no pb........ im kinda confused............ DO help me out guyzz thxxxx
  3. ohh but if it was that then would'nt it be every one laging ...... and not only me.. coz all the other players f.e.a.r was runin just mine.. it was only mine lagy... i have high bandwidth with 8 mbps upload
  4. lolzz didnt get a word u said...... Can u be a bit more simpler lolz i dun know nothing bout this stuff
  5. Coz the admins are meh friends.... and dey told me dey stream to pbbans..... deyr private servers.... locked ones but oderes servers dat i play on which are not streaming aitn glitchy for me...... Do u want my ip and port or da servers? :unsure:
  6. Yo guys... i have this prob in my fear Mp i kinda noticed when im playin on pvt servers streaming Live... i would get lag but only sometimes my game would go glitchy ... and when ill restart my pc it will eventually go away.. and come back after some times... well ...and sometimes i wont get lagged or get glitchy at all it only happens in server which are streaming live......... the servers with pb on ( not streaming) or with no pb work smooth for me........ i was wondering what really the problem can be ........ any advice would be help full.... i tried formating my pc.. reinstalling fear but didnt work out.... Thanks.. in Advance <_<
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