First post, registered today. I thought it was worth coming and doing this because of the game that I love so much, and have devoted 5 years of my life to.
I know that I will likley have to give more/different information than I know now, to solve my problem.
So... I am on the recent banlist, according to some freinds of mine (one of whom I know in RL). I am told by other gamers online that they saw my name and Guid listed. I am interested to know how this is the case, since I don't have anything other than the stock game installed. When I say this to someone, at this point, it becomes an appeal for a verdict on my innocence. The more I say to them that I don't have a reason for the ban, the less they believe me. That's a bit scary to be in the middle of, TBH! :blink:
Honestly, at first, I didn't care. I know the truth, and that's good enough for me to play the game. But I was wrong. It wasn't about me.
I don't know much about bans and such, other than what I have read here in the last 1/2 hour. A freind of mine had an opportunity to "buy" a hack from someone online, and I didn't discourage him from buying it, because it would be funny to watch a guy playing that can see through walls :lol:
Anyway, sorry for rambling. I have two questions. Firstly (most important), is there a venue where I can appeal this ban and 'fix' whatever is causing this to happen? I asked a guy this online right before coming here, and he said, "play widot da hax muddafoocka!" :D The only information I can offer here is that I recently installed my GOTY disc on a new desktop after playing on a wireless laptop for the past 8 months or so (as "Wyrlz Craptop"). I have 3 versions of Wolf - the original, the GOTY edition, and the Platinum edition. This install is the Platinum (doesn't require patching up), and I transferred my old wolfconfig.mp from my other machines. I have class/spawn binds, and my tweaks are brightness, the 2-D med/ammo pack setting, and bumping up gamma to 2.5 or 3. I can offer more info if required.
Secondly, if I am on a banlist, why have I never had a problem playing on any server? I'm thinking that that is because I haven't been added. I have had my normal PB problems in the past years, updates, etc. and have installed PBWEB on a couple of machines - nothing like this.
This second question is what led me to believe that I, in turn, didn't believe what my freind had said about the list. It was actually a clan player on a specific server that directed me here.
Thanks for any information offered. Again, sorry for the length - and if this is in the wrong forum, I will look for it's new placement.