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{LFNY} Crash

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About {LFNY} Crash

  • Birthday 12/02/1966

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  • Location
    Newfoundland Canada

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    Call of Duty 2
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  1. I found the root of the issue, or at least I hope I did. I decided to backup the PB folder on my server, and then dlete it and upload a copy from my own test server. I had noticed that there were differences in one of the files..somehow one of the PB files became corrupt. All is running well now! Thanks to all who helped!
  2. Wouldn't that just say "Server Disconnected" - Player Kicked?? I just did a COD2 Rcon kick(not PB) and that is what I got.
  3. I have access to the ban list and have gone through the list, logs, etc looking for my name, other admins, etc. I have taken our names off any list I have found, but we still get this message from time to time. That is the thing...it happens at random. :blink: :blink:
  4. The people who are getting this ban message are other Server Admins including myself who all run very clean installs. There are other regular players who have been getting this ban as well. The thing is it doesn't happen all the time. I can jump in on the server, play for a while, jump off for lunch, then get banned when I try to get back on. I can then make 4-5 more attempts to join and after a while finally get on the server. Other times this can go a coule of days with no one getting it, then out the blue....more bans. It is getting to be a pain in the behind, if you know what I mean... :blink: John
  5. Hey Guys, I am having a bit of a weird issue happen on 3 of my servers. Every now and then when someone joins they get a "BANNED by Admin" message. There are no auto kicks running, no admins have been banning, and I have even tried changing the rcon pass to something only I would know. I was runnning Extreme, then switched to AWE in hopes that it would pass, but it is still there. I run a custom RCON on the server, took that off, and it was still there. I have gone through all of my configs, both mods, and the rcon, and nowhere in the either of those can I even find the text "BANNED by Admin". All of my current AWE configs are below. Can it be something in them that is causing this issue? Thanks in advance for any help I can get with this!! Main Config: AWE Config: Gametypes Config: Punkbuster Config (added just to rule out PB, but it happens with or without this): We get the same message with your recommended PB Setup. Here is a screen shot of console message after ban: Sorry for posting the language in the PB config, but I wanted to post it as is... I have tried everything I can think of to get rid of this "BANNED by Admin" message people get. PLEASE HELP!! Crash
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