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  1. I've had enough...what all do I need to do this? I'm going to do it for sure, it's getting old after over a week. What programs do we need to download, and how do I find out who their ISP's are, so I can get in touch?
  2. Thanks a ton, Ace. I'll pass the word along to them, and also likely just tell them to join up here for future help.
  3. One other question. If he can't be banned due to his dynamic IP, is there any way to find his ISP and have a talk with them about it? This has become a serious problem, the servers aren't even up anymore because he just crashes them as soon as they come up. And for some background info, they are mad because one of them was kicked for being inside the wall and shooting players as they walked by. So now they say they are going to crash every server my friends make from now on.
  4. I'm posting this on behalf of some friends...there are a couple of guys that every time they see an ))ICE(( server up, they crash it. They have dynamic IP's. They can't even run an ))ICE(( server anymore. Is there anything they can do to put a stop to them crashing the servers? I have names, but I didn't figure it would be useful...nolimit d-day and lynx.
  5. Eh, I think it's hopeless..I got my routers tech support, and they gave me this long list of things to do (exactly why i did on portforward.com), and of course, it did not work. Apparently I have some other problem that nobody can detect. thanks for your help
  6. Ace, do you have any other ideas for me to try? I did the whole process, start to finish, in portforward.com, and my server still shows up as a UDP in the LAN section...starting to seem hopeless :dunno:
  7. ACE, I did the portforward.com walkthrough for my router, but it still shows up as a UDP...is there something else I have to do after what all they tell me?
  8. Thanks guys, I'll do that right now and let you know how it turns out. What all can you do with SOF2 Runner? I have HLSW, is that something completely different?
  9. Hey everyone, I have a problem. I'm trying to start a server on SOF2, but every time I start it (set to internet), it comes up in the LAN section with [uDP] in front of it. I think it may be a firewall problem, but not positive. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance EDIT: I found out that it is my router blocking it somehow. Any idea on how to fix this?
  10. It started out as having rcon pw, but I'm interested in learning how to start my own now. Anyway, I know how to open a server, but I'm firewalled or something. It says "UDP" in front of my server, and it shows it in LAN, even though i set it to internet. Any idea on how to fix this? I think if I can get this problem solved, I can do everything else with the tutorials and through trial and error or something.
  11. I think one of you professionals may need to walk me through the steps to getting a basic server up and running. I tried, but it says timeout under ping, and it says Location is LAN down at the bottom, but my server is set to internet on SOF2...I'm so confused :unsure: **I tried to start my own server on SOF2, but it will only come up as an LAN server...even though I clearly chose "internet" and not "LAN"...anyone know of a possible reason? If I can get past this problem, I may be able to figure everything else out with the help of tutorials...
  12. I downloaded HLSW, but where do I find my IP/Port number? Do I have to go into the game and start a server first? You can probably count on me having more questions later, because this is pretty interesting and fun, even though I have no clue what I'm doing just yet lol.
  13. Is HLSW similar to Fusion? I started using Fusion today, and it is fairly simple. And I haven't started my own server today, I was just wondering how to use rcon pw to kick/ban cheaters. I learned a lot today though, like how to record...I have a feeling this will be very useful in the future. thanks
  14. One other thing- are you guys saying that the in-game system for rcon is risky (accidentally giving out pw)? I thought you just typed in rcon password in the admin dropdown, and then typed the commands you wanted..I didn't know you had to type the pw every time you do something.
  15. Thanks a ton guys, great advice. So all I have to do is download the program, and it is fairly self-explanatory and user-friendly/easy to figure out? I really appreciate it. I've also been thinking of starting my own server, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet :unsure:
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