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About DS-Dennis

  • Birthday 01/20/1978

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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Not in my opinion, the cvar is supported by any game using punkbuster. They don't need to have a comment either in the file for what game the team account is streaming, it is not relevant. Your clan members can play on other servers at other games as well using there clan tag. Search at http://ssl.evenbalance.com/regname_search.php after your tag and it does not tell us that you only use it on cod4 If I use this file, I use it without removing your clan tag from the list when uploaded to a bf2 server or any other PB enabled game server. I only add a personal list of tags to this one.
  2. I found it, added on my list :P
  3. You're not talking about the "Join Greeting" message configured at the server? If one configured such greeting with your old name and the server you login too enabled the greetings from pbbans hub, you see the old name if that was typed out as such in the greeting.
  4. pb_sv_ProtectTag 1 DS- //[ Expires 2009-05-17 ][ COD, CODUO, COD2, COD4, SOF2 ] Account ID: 51 Tag: [DS-Servers] pb_sv_protectname 1 Goody //[ Expires 2009-04-30 ] Goody pb_sv_protectname 1 ShootMe //[ Expires 2009-06-08 ] ShootMe Thank you :)
  5. He posted a wrong URL, get the file from here: http://www.cripplemilitia.com/download/protected.cfg I guess he uses the build in file manager in his cPanel to update the file and then links to it from there (copy/paste) and that doesn't work realy ;) Anti-medic Let me know if you want me to edit my post in case you dont use this direct link but an passthrough script instead to keep a download counter or something. I'll then remove the link ASP if this forum allows me to edit my post obvious.
  6. I am satisfied with how pbbans operates and how we can use it. Easy to find info and once having a team account it goes all almost automated from there. Perhaps having the ability to add an custom profile field at the forum to be able and add our registered name and/or clan tag. Pretty much the same as adding your x-fire username or server IP/Port. But then generate a downloadable list of all those names/tags so a GSA could use it if desired. Thought it isn't realy an addition to catch/report cheaters but more like an added service. The questions made me wonder what could be changed and realy need to think about that. Just to conclude that nothing have to be changed :)
  7. Thank you!
  8. If you just now or after the 28th december last year started to stream your server to pbbans.com and the demo is from before that, it wont be added to the MBL. It's still a good thing to issue a local ban thought. And of course you can still share the demo with those who are interested for a local ban on there servers. Next time you have another demo, post it in this forum: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=118 And in case you get to deal with screenshots, check your account here: http://www.pbbans.com/account/pbss.php
  9. How to submit your demo catches You would create a topic in this forum IF your server is streaming to pbbans.com.
  10. Sorry to hear .... better stay away from those digital delivery's. I have heared that particilar cod4 had this problem with digital delivery. I think you could better submit a support ticket at evenbalance.com: http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_t...t.php?game=cod4 Explain your situation and mention the digital download .... they have gotten plenty of those support tickets already. PS: Make sure to patch your game with the files distributed by your vendor. It's different then the regular DVD games I believe.
  11. :) Als je niet zo goed bent met engels, waarom zit je dan niet gewoon bij een nederlandse provider? Lijkt me dan een stuk gemakkelijker voor je.
  12. As soon linux dedicated files are available <_<
  13. You can open your ingame console to issue rcon commands (shift + tilde (~) key).I don't think their are mods available yet for ingame clickable menu's to issue rcon commands.
  14. You find the pb folder inside the game folder on your server.You do not add any folder <_< But inside your pb folder you will likely find a file called pbsv.cfg which you want to edit using your notepad or wordpad (download the file if needed and upload it after you have editted the file when needed, if it is a remote server). Once you opened the pbsv.cfg file, scroll down and add a new line to read: pb_sv_load servermsg.cfg Save and close the file and put it back into your pb folder. Now create a new file (called: servermsg.cfg) using your notepad or wordpad and add the following content: //================================================================================ // Added by hugin - 2007 // Task setup for PunkBuster //================================================================================ // 30 sec intervals - Remember: pb_sv_task 460 + 30 (Interval value) = 490, and so on // Task setup for PunkBuster pb_sv_task 10 490 "say message 1" pb_sv_task 40 490 "say message 2" pb_sv_task 70 490 "say message 3" pb_sv_task 100 490 "say message 4" pb_sv_task 130 490 "say message 5" pb_sv_task 160 490 "say message 6" pb_sv_task 190 490 "say message 7" pb_sv_task 220 490 "say message 8" pb_sv_task 250 490 "say message 9" pb_sv_task 280 490 "say message 10" pb_sv_task 310 490 "say message 11" pb_sv_task 340 490 "say message 12" pb_sv_task 370 490 "say message 13" pb_sv_task 400 490 "say message 14" pb_sv_task 430 490 "say message 15" pb_sv_task 460 490 "say message 16" //================================================================================Edit the content to your liking and once finished, save and close the file and put it into your pb folder.Then do pb_sv_restart in console or thru your rcon tool
  15. You can compare but my installs are all linux. $BASEPATH = Path to game install dir (example: /usr/local/games/cod4 or C:\Program Files\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare) $HOMEPATH = Path to users home dir (example: /home/dennis/.callofduty4 or C:\Program Files\dennis\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare) $GAMETYPE = Servers game type (example: mods/modwarfare) cod4_lnxded => This would be iw3mp.exe on windows based servers of course $IP = Servers IP address $PORT = Servers game port $SERVERCONFIG = Servers config file to exec Hope this will be helpfull to you. Otherwise I'll look into it by installing it myself at an WindowsXP system. Always nice to learn some :)
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