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Everything posted by Rooman

  1. hi i have been playing et for a while and i havent hacked or anyting this isnt really about hacking i thought i would come hear and get help. I was on my server and someting happened and this kid comes to our server and keeps crashing it with ********** and also he puts himself allies and axis over and over which laggs the server and causes it to crash i have his ip from Rcon Unlimited um if u can help me with anyting i will love it. :) Admin Edit
  2. Hi i play Wolfestine Enemy Terrtiory i have played for about 2 years and never used an amibot/hack or any thing to cheat. I was playing 2 days ago and i get kicked for unknown reason. I went back to play again and same thing happens. This happens about 5 times. Than i went to other (PB) server and same thing happens again. Than i tryed a NON PB server and nuthing happen's. After a while i go back and try PB server again and i get kicked and this was the message Server Disconnected= has been kicked via Punkbuster (for 0 minutes):... RESTRICTON: Blocked O/S Privileges : 508 : 430 than i restarted my Computer and i played for about 30 minutes and i get kicked HELP PLZ IM BORED WITHOUT ET. :(
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