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    Call of Duty 2
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  1. But I think it is because me and my brother (on 2 different pc's) play on the same Key-code. I was banned from the server for Duplicate cd-key ( I reinstalled cod2 on both pc's and that's the way I found out ) Is duplicate cd-key a reason for pb to ban the guid ?? if it is so, that would solve the problem :)
  2. How can i get on the banlist when i was in a server without pb running ?
  3. ??? an official server or can it also be used on a cracked server ?
  4. I have a server myself, but it is offline atm. tomorrow or tonight it will be online. I'll register my own server with pbban. then we see what will happen. Do you need a official server btw or can it be a cracked one ?
  5. and how can he contact you ??? xfire/msn ??? and it is free ?
  6. hahaha, how can we do that ?
  7. is that good or bad news, what can i do about it ?
  8. I don't know .... i downloaded the newest pb drivers and i could play in our server, but after the mapchange i was kicked again by pb for dupicate guid/cd key :S
  9. I can just join your server ....
  10. OMFG !!! I was 5 min in the server and i was banned again :S for the reason: dupicate guid/cd key ..... The only-one that has my cd key is my brother that has the same ip :o
  11. I reinstalled cod2 and now i can join punkbuster enabled servers without any problems :D I don't know what was the problem, but tnx for al your reactions :) Greetz, DesKia
  12. this is the screenshot and my ip is indeed :S but the guid doesn't match ...
  13. don't you have xfire or msn ? otherwise i have to make a profile etc. it's mutch easier when i can send it if you can add me: xfire: deskia msn: [email protected]
  14. how can i add it :P ?
  15. Yes i made a screenshot..... I can add it if you like ... I had a key-code from internet before that (so I had to play on cracked servers)
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