first of all i want to excuse myself for asking such a noob question! well i dont know if it is really such a noob question, but i would like to avoid some flaming :)
i have a real annoying cheater on the server, who is always getting a new guid when i banned him. so i thought maybe the banmask could help me, but as asson as this player reconnects to the internet he gets a new ip from his provider.
then i tried to banmask a wider range of the ip's from this provider (found the ranges out with ripe.net).
but i could not banmask all ip-ranges from this provider because this provider has extremely much ranges.
now you could ask that i will ban also non-cheaters that use the same provider. well, i am lucky that this guy is coming from a country from which we have usually no players on the server.
so my question is less about how the banmask works, and more about how ip's work. is there a way to banmask a provider or country?
please dont flame me, asking such a question, this is really the only guy from this country on my server and he is spoiling the fun for all players