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=SoE= dgrillo

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Everything posted by =SoE= dgrillo

  1. What port should I be using when I setup the server in in Server Manager?
  2. Did you really just say this? No offense mate, but I really think you should "know" what you are talking about before you start telling these guys what they should or should not do. They have made it this far so that tells me that they clearly know wtf they are doing. Sit back, relax and give these guys time to fix the issues. We should all be thankful for the free service that they offer. I for one would pay a monthly fee if they so asked. 350 bucks for a server never! Maybe 350 for a quad core e-machine you would never get a server for that price.
  3. Here is the generic PHP script that we are using... I have changed the extension to .txt... didn't know if it would be allowed if it was pwhp...just rename, add your info and enjoy We originally wrote this as a DOS/VB script code. But others have asked for this functionallity so it has been ported to PHP to address those users too. What this does: Log into the bf2 server and download the PB image files to your server. Remove the image files from bf2 server. Create an index.html file that will display all of the images. This was meant to be put in a scheduler/chron job to be run once an hour. We wrote this initially for a Windows server, but have I think I've addressed the Linux users. This change may have introduced typo's to the code. Send me an email about it. It seems to work ok in latest versions of PHP 4 and 5. pbftp.txt
  4. We where using a similar script, but just recently changed it, i think he is now doing something with PHP.... i am going to get the script from the guy who wrote it and I will post it here....
  5. When we setup the auto screen shots and started streaming to you... we where thinking, man this is going to be a real pain in the ass to go through all of these screen shots! Thats when a member of our clan came up with the idea of automating the some of the process.... Here's how it works.. he made a scipt that logs into the server... deletes the .html files, downloads the .png file then deletes them. The files are downloaded to a private webserver... he has another script that takes the downloaded screen shots, and makes a webpage out of them. This process runs every hour... One of the nice things about this is... all of our screen shots are now cataloged by Month, Day and hour... if anyone has the programming skills to create these, i would highly recommend it.... You still need to look through the images manually... but it saves the hassle of having to download... not to mention it prevents your server Screen shot folder from filling up. Just thought this might be helpful
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