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Everything posted by bmac

  1. Thanks Fozzer and mrx for the assistence. Done what you pm'd me about fozzer and tried it last night. Seemed to be lest of an issue then. Will wait and see when the server gets loaded with players. Then my decision to move my business to another isp will be made ......... :P Thanks again for the prompt response..... *KTA* Bmac
  2. Hi all. Im running a cod2 pb enabled server connected to the hub. When i first connected i was getting ss on a regular basis...some incomplete some not. I have checked these last few days for ss and they are there but all either read corrupt or incomplete......... any ideas folks? I also have noticed that there is quite a bit of lag in the server lately that hadnt been there before. Tech support has informed me that pb can cuase this problem. any opinions on this guys? thanks in advance for the help. *KTA* Bmac
  3. Hi folks, Been on a few cod2 servers and have seen "no cursing we read server chat logs daily" My question is where do i find these chat logs if indeed they exsist. Looked throught all the ftp root folders and didnt come accross any logs of that type. Any input? thanks in advance. *KTA* Bmac
  4. hub game: cod2 clan tag *KTA*
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