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About Violat3r

  • Birthday 01/30/1989

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    Shadows Elite
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  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
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  1. Well im pretty old-school maself, although thats due to me not really knowing anything about what will change what and what it will even do :lol: anyhoo i also believe that for the most part if you do really much of ANYTHING to try to make yourself "better" then anyone without just gaining real skill then your a noob in my book. But i also have a friend and know a bunch of poeple who actualy do that, but the thing is they do it on purpose because if they didnt tweak their game it wouldnt run well at all because of crappy computers or other reasons. Which annoys me as a good friend of mine has an enemy who somehow got a hold of his config and plastered it all over his website saying this config is filled with all kinds of things to make him better then everyone else. The main problem with that is id say nearly half of all ET users wouldnt understand anything that was written their except a few obvious things, so some poeple have tended to believe someone who doesnt know wth he is talking about in the first place. Screwy no? :lol:
  2. lol true that, true that
  3. o i just checked the main menu and i would like to state an idiots congratulations to kam!l who was banned April 28, 2007 at 2:27:46 am, by a clan server that obviously streams to pbbans.com, for becoming the 11-thousandth banned member of Enemy Territory. Cheers! :D :rolleyes: ........oi they just nvr learn eh?
  4. NEVA!!!! xD lol mhmm i shall take that advice and calm down lol xD
  5. lol yersh and then set up the whole small nation with giant pbbans servers and other servers to make more money......then soon........pbbans could TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! xD
  6. Lol benway yea if you did get 2¢ per ban jeebuz you guys wouldnt need to ask for donations xD hold on ima try the current calculations ;) as of April 13th 2007 at 6:19pm Pacific Standard time you had 20,098 total bans and at 2¢ per ban you would have made a total of $401.96...hmmm maybe a more like 50¢ each ok lets see: $10,049 now THATS more like it lol.....you should see if you could find some kind of sponsor who would be willing to do someting like that....that would rock! hee hee
  7. Dang COMPUTER!!! RAWR!!!! man ive been meaning to do this for a while but because i was having some computer problems i wasnt able to check up as often as id liked. So im gonna do this now even though its quite late. CONGRATULATIONS TO PBBANS FOR REACHING (and surpassing) 10,000 BANS ON ENEMY TERRITORY. The problem being....it sounds pretty morbid huh? lol :blink: But as morbid as it is still...Congratz!!!!! at least were finding em all!!!!sorta o.0 huzzah!!!!! lol Benway i love that quote you have from RodeoBob:
  8. Ill have to agree with RoadWarrior, ive been using that Q3 minimizer for a LONG time and i LOVE IT. It works very nicely and is fairly instant. It doesnt cause any real lag problems either, although depending on the game your playing and whats happening in the game at the moment it can cause "open" times, such as opening internet explorer while minimized, lag and may take a little while. So i usually just go back IN game and play for a few moments and minimize again and check on its progress. You can customize key-strokes to many different combos and it works with more then just ET, in fact it has 24 games in its program, and as far as i know it might work with Q3 based games that arent even in its directory. Peace~~~~~~~~~Cody G.
  9. My server was just re-installed onto a new patch and i had to run the commands to get my server streaming again. Its at the same ip and everything but i wasnt sure if i should let you guys know or not, so i decided it best be safe and go ahead and alert you of the situation although i feel their isnt much need. Anyhoo you guys have a good day ^_^
  10. ooooo i shee i shee, thas not a bad idea lol
  11. actually....their isnt o.o...............its wierd i can see the edit button for my second post but...their is NO edit button whatsoever for my first post lol.....weird huh?
  12. err i couldnt find any edit feature (am i just blind or is it not their?) so ill just reply to this, i finall got a hold of my friend and she helped me get rid of em. so Blah lol
  13. Hey Guys tis be me Vio once again!! ^_^. Im coming here to ask this cause i know most of you are pretty computer savvy and the help you could give would be completely invaluable. I have a small problem with my computer! I run with the Windows XP Service Pack 2 OS and have AT&T Yahoo! DSL internet and its Virus protection software with it. Last night (i try to do it every couple of days or so) i ran a virus scan and for the first time since i reformatted my computer the last week of january it found 2 things. They were not exactly viruses but rather "exploits". They were called: "Java/ByteVerify!exploit" the scanner didnt clean it so their still there. I know that they are not malicious or anything to worry about completely BUT i dont want anything on my computer that CAN cause problems. It gives me a simple procedure to delete them but its not exactly configured for my system. The instructions are here, this is the page that it takes me to when i click on the link to find out more info on the exploit. My problem is quite simple and all i really need is some assurance that i wont damage my PC by doing this: in the instructions it states to go to the control panel and open the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" which i have opened. Then it says to "Select the Cache Tab" which is non-existent in the tabs inside the control panel. It then states to "Click the Clear button inside the Cache Tab, which will clear your JRE cache directory", the only thing that i see that may be the same as this "cache directory" is under the "General" Tab in the java control panel it gives the option to delete Temporary Internet Files that correspond to the Java VM. And my question is would this take care of it or do i have the wrong thing? Any help from you comp Savvy peoples will be most appreciated! Thanx Guys! ^_^
  14. cool thanx, but where do i input those commands in the server max. I personally watched about 10 poeple get kicked from my server for having rate 5000. And it seems that just about everyone who joins my server has a packet of 30. I used the /players and it said everyone in the server had a packet of 30, so im glad i changed that but im not sure where to modify the rate size, i cant find it anywhere :/
  15. Thanx, so far it seems to be working for him, although ill post again if it kicks hima agian. O and one last question: This newbie white namer keeps comin into my server but eventualy gets kicked for either maxpackets being 15 or PB init failure, what exactly is PB init failure? O heh heh one more: why is the reccomended maxpackets at 50? what would less packets mean?
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