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About _TyIzaeL_

  • Birthday 08/29/1990

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  1. Come on, EvenBalance!
  2. We need to get everyone with these problems (everyone) to submit a Trouble Ticket to EvenBalance about it. My guess is that they will act sluggishly unless we pester them a bit.
  3. I hope the Window server lag issue is high up on his priority list. We had to stop using the patch because players were complaining about lag. When we took the patch off, the lag complaints stopped.
  4. Am I misled, or is that insignia one that just floats in the corner of the screen? :blink:
  5. Seconded. B)
  6. Thank you for the speedy response!
  7. I'm just posting to confirm this. Our clans (SiN and HB) have merged into one clan (SiN). Thanks. My team account ID is 264.
  8. There is a bug I'm aware of that if you zoom in and out really fast while shooting it seems to make you shoot faster (bullets remaining goes down faster). My guess is that it's something similar to the speed punch. However, it is not very effective, since the rapid zooming can really confuse your aim. ROF is noticeably increased. It only seems to work with the machine-gun like weapons (RPL, G2A2, 10mm).
  9. My F.E.A.R. server's IP address changed unexpectedly. As a result of this I lost my "Streaming Game Admin" status and I could no longer access the Team Account Manager. Here's the information: Hub Game: F.E.A.R. Clantag: /HB/ IP: As you can see, my Admin Signature below shows that my new IP isstreaming.
  10. Ok, I've deleted the old Rep account, and from what I can see, the Hub is working. The account manager says that the server is streaming. Everything seems good. One question though, what does the "Enforce Bans" flag do?
  11. I am interested in the "Live Banning" feature of Hubs. From what it sounds like, I would no longer have to update my F.E.A.R. server's banlist manually. But, my server is already streaming via Rep and before I start streaming as a Hub I have to remove all of the information related to Rep streaming, correct? Once I am done switching to the Hub method, do I have to inform you guys about the change? Or since it's already streaming, will it's page in the master stream index simply change from Rep to Hub?
  12. What do you define as a "long time"?
  13. I have checked the settings, I think it will work now.
  14. IP: Rep Game: F.E.A.R. Clantag: »[hB]«
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