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Everything posted by iiiii

  1. The violation was not guinue...I didnt know that the first time I posted here. After the replys here and some other research...I am sure. And his action was as lame as could be.
  2. Ofcourse I will move on...never question about that. Not like I am trying to make him open the server for me again. :) I just wanted to make sure that I was not kicked/banned by PB for the rong reasons...like corrupt driver or something like that... and would be banned on every PB server because of that. Cause then I would have to appeal and stuff like that. I am 99% sure it was the admin after all your replys...so thanx for all the inputs...been helpful. ps. that moron could have just told me he didnt want me on his server...I would not come back...we were on TS together a few times. But NO...lets make a fake PB viol and make everyone think he was cheating...that #!&%$#%&...Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip :angry:
  3. 154076E0 ...thanx. ||DirectX||
  4. Thx m8...I think its worth figthing for.Second...I have never received this violation and never been autokicked by pb... so the rest does not make sence...yes he could have checked his log but found nothing on my name... cause no autokick by PB...no violation, and of course I know I am clean as a whistle. He just thinks he is better at detecting cheaters then PB...and made the whole thing up on PB name to get credibility. I dont know if this is him or just 1 of the guys he lied to. Server IP: Thanx for looking in to this RodeoBob. ||DirectX||
  5. "Punkbuster Banned ||DirectX|| Gamehacks Detected [Gamma]" This is exectly how it came in console before I was kicked. This VIOLATION(MULTIHACK) #79429 is just what he sayd was the reason after i asked him what this "Gamma" was...he just found this number somewhere to use as a cover! He is abusing Punkbusters name to make console come up with false PB detection of gamehack because he suspected that I was hacking... and in the process making everyone think that I was cheating and he becomes blameless to all...how lame is that? If I were detected cheating with this "VIOLATION(MULTIHACK) #79429" by PB, I would be banned on all servers with PB...wouldnt I ? But my GUID an IP are OK everywhere except this server...explain that! He just could not stand me shooting him all the time...I guess?!?! RodeoBob...isnt there a perfect way in this matter to proove if im guilty or not? I would really like to close this... ||DirectX||
  6. I was banned on Cod2 server yesterday..."Punkbuster Banned *my name* Gamehacks Detected [Gamma]" is what the console sayd. :blink: I think I was banned by admin...because I am clean. <_< My Question is...is this exectly how punkbuster wrigts in console or did the admin just ban me and blame punkbuster for it? :angry: When I put my GUID in Check GUID on www.pbbans.com it says Im not banned. Thanx
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