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  1. Hi there, Yes I am a friend of DirectX. Known him since I was a kid. (31 year old now) We have been friends for a very long time played almost every ww2 first persone shooter since Delta Force. We have had 2 clans We have had very good servers running in the past but we stopped doing that cause it took to much time from us. the point of my question was: When DirectX was kicked from the server he called me and he told me what happen in a joking way but soon found out that this was no joke. He got banned on the forum of this clan that is running the server and later he got banned from there TS. He explained to me that the msg that appeared on his screen was in red. I am not sure if this is right (the color) that's why I asked just trying to help out B) Best Regards ||Se7en||
  2. I have NEVER been auto kick from PB. Just to correct the last one speaking ( with great respect) I have been playing Cod2 for a long time and it has never happen. and this is why I like this program so much :rolleyes: One question wich I would like to know (if you guys are still watching this discussion) Does PB sent the warning wich you will se before beeing kicked in a special colour, Like red ? and if not can the admin of the server choose what colour the warning will be in? Thx in advance ||Se7en||
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