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Everything posted by =)BiT(=Clan

  1. Packet Loss, I think it's MyIS. We have our NA server with them, and our EU server with KillerKreations. I first tried to stream with our NA server ( Myis) and tried various methods to get it working repeatedly. Nothing worked, it still isn't streaming. However my first attempt with the KillerKreations server has it streaming perfectly. I have another question, earlier in the thread it was said that autoupdate would only last untill the server or PB was restarted if set up with the webtool/console. Is this the case if you actually edit pbsv.cfg etc?
  2. I haven't even tried SS's . I had to turn PB off, there were just too many people not able to play ( I know they just have to do a manual update, but thats not practical for pubbers.
  3. Does anyone know how to get server messags working in AA3 via PB ? I'm familiar with doing it in CoD4, but in AA3 its only going into the console, it will not actually say anything in-game. Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. This should have happened yeras ago :D !!!! Glad it has finally happened :) .
  5. No man that didn't do it :( . Does anyone have any other ideas?? There must be loads of clans that have had to do this in the past .
  6. As the title implies, is there away to use a punkbuster config without using pbsv.cfg??? We play CoD4 in TWL and they require that we use their punkbuster config for match play. And you are not allowed to edit the config which means we are not able to stream to PB Bans , not to mention I don't really like some of the settings TWL have chosen. Is there a way that I can keep the twl PB config ( pbsv.cfg ) on the server in the PB folder but use a different config ( we will call it pbsvs.cfg for arguments sake ) when we have our server open to the public?? Is there a way I can load it in-game via Rcon , or perhaps in the punkbuster webtool, or even in the server startup parameters?? All help and advice is much appreciated.
  7. Our EU server is lagging and our gsp (gameservers ) is saying that it is due to an issue with Auto PBSS's and CoD 2 /4 ?? Is this a well known issue with all CoD 4 servers or are we just being given a sub par server that is already maxed out?? I have googled it but have not been able to come up with anyone supporting our argument. All help would be much appreciated.
  8. BF2142 Server is streaming. Hub Game: BF2142 Clantag: =)BiT(=
  9. BF2 Server is streaming. Hub Game: BF2 Clantag: =)BiT(=
  10. ok i think i got it set
  11. Hub Game: BF2 Clantag: =)BiT(=
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