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Evil Jinn

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    Enemy Territory
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  1. I think the PB team is doing a wonderful job considering that new hacks are coming out everyday that make your job that much harder. I've been working with Glenn sending him as many hacking links for ET that I can find. This is what I truly don't understand though...Why do people have to hack? First and foremost hacking is LAME! Secondly, these are games--have fun. If you have to hack to be the best(in your mind), then you still aren't the best. You are only fooling yourself. There is no honor in cheating. If you really want to be the best...GET SKILLZ! Work on them, build them but don't cheat yourself and all the other honest players who have worked hard and have skillz. AND if you truly must cheat then buy a PS2, Xbox or something that the only person you are cheating is yourself. Don't come to an online multiplayer game and ruin it for the rest of us who like to interact with people and like having fun while just hanging out. PB wouldn't even have to exist if people could handle the fact that you can't always be the best and knew that losing isn't always a bad thing. Losing should only make you want to try harder to be better. ;)
  2. Affirmative, that is the violations outline I have printed out. ;) So the logs you are referring to come from the host(clan leader's computer) and communicate with PB through the parser? Can I, also, do the same with the sv_viol and sv_cheat and what are the commands if it is possible? Especially now that we are not streaming!!! I know I have the pbcl.log because I was having lag and packet flow problems and Wouter Tromp told me to type this into the console. pb_logtofile 1 and then pb_writecfg I bet our leader thinks we are still streaming; but he forgot to set it back up when he put our second server up yesterday without a doubt. DOH :o Thanks, Guys, I'll keep sending in all the links for the hacks sites that I find, too. :D
  3. Thank you for replying so quickly. When I registered, I thought since our leader told us that our server was streaming that his previous registration to have PB fully enabled on our server meant that I didn't have to fill out the streaming part of the registration. I done goofed, LOL. Sorry about that. And as for the explanations you gave, I appreciate it. I have the basic outline for violations printed out to refer to. Do you have a more detailed one breaking it down further so I don't make this mistake in the future. I saw the # classifications they fell under and took it that they referred to the cheat families mentioned. Also, I can't seem to find the one topic again; but it referred to the 3 logs that can detect cheats. Can anyone give me the commands so i can start logging them. I already have the one for the pbcl.log. Thanks.
  4. I took these from my pbcl.log. PB kept kicking them but they did not show up on the ban list. These are gamehacks and attempted PB hacks, correct? Also, we are streaming; so I'm not sure what happened. [02.05.2007 03:11:46] Removing 'demDboys' 1857 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Corrupted File/Memory [81048] [02.05.2007 03:13:02] Removing 'demDboys' 1857 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Corrupted File/Memory [81048] [01.02.2007 15:55:38] Removing '^pRo^k^qmm^sel' ed57 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131144] [01.09.2007 05:23:08] Removing '>->>KILLER-ON-THE-LOOSE<<-<' ac71 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131144] [01.10.2007 12:04:41] Removing '^d[=^7G!X^d=]^7Thirsty^d[=^7FBI' 7feb (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131144] [01.10.2007 12:05:31] Removing '^d[=^7G!X^d=]^7Thirsty^d[=^7FBI' 7feb (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131144] [01.27.2007 21:50:04] Removing 'rnjswhdxkr' 368d (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131125] [02.03.2007 19:10:56] Removing '^g(Tk)^>Killa^gZ' f488 (0 minutes) RESTRICTION: Corrupted File/Memory [81048]
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