Hello - I am having an issue with BF2142. I have been playing it for about 2/3 months with a few PB problems. I did a complete wipe of my HD and all worked for about a month. I keep getting kicked with this error - Cannot remove pbag.dll after unloading. I have pulled all BF2142 entries out of the registry, removed all EA folders from C:\Programs as well as all PB folders ( PB does not appear to load any registry entries).
I reinsyalled, and a few moments after playing it happens again. I read on another forum to try - pb_security 0 in the console, and this just seems to let me play a few moments longer before getting kicked. I have tried the PB update program from the Even Balance web site, and after that I get a new message stating - Insufficient OS Priveleges. I am absolutely tired of trying to play this game, and what is more frustrating is I payed $50 for it. I played many other PB enabled games and competed in Cal/OGL leagues and have never had any problem like this.
If anyone can please help me or give me some much needed direction, it will be greatly appreciated. The guys that talked me into buying this to play with them are all catching up to me in ranks as I can no longer play now lol. Thanks for any help from anyone.