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Everything posted by *Hellcats*Tiger

  1. ok i did go it and click "enforce ban" option so i guess im ready to catch cheaters seems my server has already caught 2 with out this. Thanks guys for providing this service to the gaming community to try to keep the no life hacks out.
  2. thanks guys, is it ok to copy SS to my pc then delete them off of the server
  3. Im not sure how to install the master ban list and such i have created the file its on my desk top just not sure how to get it into where it needs to be.
  4. thanksman
  5. Ok ive got another question too. Can all my Admins that help me run the server come in here to register and post in this forum?
  6. thanks ill do it tonight, you just input these through r-con or BF2CC
  7. hey thanks yes i pmed you a minute ago, yes i have FTP set up to automatically send them to my PC and delete the ones in the PB folder if it works right so yes i do have FTP :)
  8. Ok I need some one to walk me through how to set PB to take automatic SS and any input on the best way that wont interfere with the server. Ive got the server streaming I just dont want to get in there and mess anything up :( im running a BF2 server which i control by BF2CC
  9. im new to all this and have not done this screen thing yet, but I found a FTP program that automatically sends the SS to my pc and deletes them in the PB folder on the server. You can configure it for any scedule you want, has anyone used this type before seems to be really easy. Like i said earlier i have not tried it yet, i'm setting it up right now so ill know in a day or two.
  10. ok thanks alot its streaming, I'm now going to try to get PB to take screenshots. What is the best set up to use that wont put a strain on the server? It's great that theres a group out here like PBbans to take time to help out us admins to run clean servers.
  11. Ok thanks for the fast response, I have email my server company so im waiting on them to set me up if they will. But with out that is it worth streaming till I get access to BPss?
  12. Ok I'm a Admin and Clan leader that wants to stream to you and to be able to see screen shots, I found directions on how to set up streaming through BF2CC but is that all I have to do. If that is it, then where will the screenshots go?? and how will I be able to get them or see them. Right now I rent a ranked server from Team-BF2 and the only control over the server I have is BF2CC. Any help would be great, because I've read through this forum and everything looks greek to me :huh: . I use to run a ole Medal of Honor Breakthough Clan and I used CI & sometimes Foresight but this seems a little more techincal.
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