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Everything posted by LoPHaT

  1. Well done Pbbans! Thank you, Maydax for the countless hours of your time. I and many others appreciate your contributions.
  2. I too just read that EA blog post by Gordon... It would be great to have an update on this process. MaydaX?
  3. Great. Thank you for the information and taking the time to respond. It's appreciated! :D
  4. Ahhh. Thank you. When these configs are in use for TWL matching, will our other servers be affected? (We also run a hardcore and bolt action rifle only servers).
  5. Right, as I mentioned - I am aware of that setting. Sorry, my previous questions may not have been clear. Really I am worried that these punksbusted configs that are required will mess up my pbbans settings. Does anyone have any experience with that happening? Just curious.
  6. Okay, that's fine. Thank you for that tidbit of info. Do you or someone else know how I can taylor my TWL server's PB config so that the required TWL configs don't conflict/overwrite my default PBbans settings?
  7. Greetings fellow PBbans members, Does anyone know where I can obtain info on setting up a server to stream to TWL? I am aware there is a nice little flag I can activate in my server settings area, but do I really have to stream to punksbusted.com as well??? Reading here doesn't help much (worst instructions ever...) : http://www.teamwarfare.com/forums/showthre...threadid=426535 In that thread they mention that it is okay to stream to one service and not the other, but in other threads on TWL's site, there are admins stating that servers must stream to both. So annoying... Anyone that could provide some helpful information would be greatly appreciated. I would prefer to avoid streaming to punksbusted.com - their service is quite lame compared to PBbans.
  8. Excellent, thanks again.
  9. Thank you all for your input. As a user in-game, what is the syntax to change the setting via console?
  10. Greets to the PBBans community, With the newest MCI update, many of my clan mates are getting kicked with a message stating "Cvar cg_fov (65) must be greater than 80." (What is not clear at this point from the reports that I have gotten is whether the number of 65 is the same for everyone or if it varies depending on the user)... I am pretty-sure the issue here is the suggested CVAR check "pb_sv_cvar cg_fov IN 60 80" I have disabled the check for now, but what must I do to get this corrected? I look forward to your feedback. Lo
  11. LoPHaT


    What are the advantages to streaming to both Punksbusted and Pbbans?
  12. It looks like he's been globally banned by Evenbalance... Evenbalance Global ban
  13. LoPHaT


    There many threads here dealing with the issue. The short of it: One of the easiest fixes is to comment out the fog check if you are running a PAM4 mod. In your pbsvuser.cfg file, put two slashes in front of the "pb_sv_cvar r_fog IN 0 1" So now it would look like: "//pb_sv_cvar r_fog IN 0 1"
  14. Hey Fozzer, LoPHaT here, yes Prvtparts is helping me finalize this streaming set-up. He does run his own SOF2 server, but he has also joined our clan (CoRe*). If possible, we (CoRe) would like a team account having Prvtparts and myself as the admins (or me as head admin, and Prvtparts as a second admin). Also another issue, I cannot log into my account manager to see my PBBANS sig. On the homepage of PBBANS, Prvtparts tells me I should be able to see a link to my account manager when I log in, but there is no such link... Appreciate the help.
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