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About musturd

  • Birthday 03/26/1965

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  1. reply from pb is "quote" all should be resolved now. sorry for the inconvenience. its working fine now on our servers. :rolleyes:
  2. we r running v1.673 but its still happening. am putting in a support ticket at evenbalance and will post the reply. colmusturd
  3. hi i think as part of pbbans TOS, all clans who use pbbans streaming should be made to ban known cheaters once they get back on. if they allow known cheaters to play on servers that are streaming then they are just making a mockery of the whole system. they should have it pointed out that their servers will be removed from streaming if they break that rule. too many cheaters are able to get back on fairly quickly, if anything could be improved on preventing that, it would be a massive step forward in the fight against cheaters. thx for all that pbbans do. {NB}colmusturd
  4. Thank you very much for setting this up for me :)

  5. welcome to pbbans my friend. :)

  6. donated 25 dollars, {NB}colmusturd. thanks for making our servers a safer place to play. et wouldnt be the same without pbbans streaming. :rolleyes: {NB}colmusturd. Nuremberg clan.
  7. thx fozzer. i keep forgetting i dont need to post, sorry m8. :rolleyes: colmusturd
  8. et hub {NB}
  9. sorry for the first post, its fixed now, thx foxdie. :)
  10. thanks fox, we moved to new york provider wasnt sure if i needed to post but thought it best to be on the safe side. thx again m8. ;)
  11. hi has the master player index 3 and 4 gone from the home page http://www.pbbans.com/ its not there even when im logged in. thx for any help colmusturd
  12. et {NB} hub thank-you colmusturd
  13. et hub {NB}
  14. ip= game= et type= hub clan tag= {NB}
  15. ip= gametype= et hub {NB} thank-you.
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