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Everything posted by leroys1246

  1. D2D is Direct2Drive.com a buddy of mine was playing the game said it was good...I could not get to the store so I purchased it online from D2D..you download the games from them to your hard drive and then burn a copy...I dont know if everyone who purchased the game from them has this problem or not...havent recieved much help on that side...
  2. Ok...did a complete uninstall and reinstall vie the files on the hard drive instead of the cd I burned. Logged in to mobmixmaps played for less than one game and got kicked with same message... How do I find out what version it is...I dont think I can install retail updates on this version from d2d.... Leroy aka Cuda
  3. Does anyone have any ideas...I would like to play online... Cuda
  4. Got the same message on your server as well. ???
  5. Hey gang, I just purchased the Direct2Drive Call of Duty 2 and the single player runs fine. My friends and I try playing multiplayer on Mob Mix Maps which is extreme+ About 2 minutes into the matches it kicks me...please advise...kind of a bummer. Thanks for your time!
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