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Everything posted by Rozijn

  1. Simpler then i thought :) Thanks.
  2. Our host moved to another databarn, now we have different ip's. I couldnt find where to change them, so i asked in the server support section. But i can't read the answer to the question, probably due to not streaming i am not allowed in there? So, i have added the existing servers as new servers, what now? cheers ;)
  3. Thx for fast reply. Still left on kid on edom tho :P private server is too immature...
  4. Jup, just added and activated it.
  5. Took a while , but its done.... so can i get acces to the streaming forums now? Strange i couldnt get in while streaming via edom anyway, still our servers, not edom's thx
  6. I've not logged in in a while. I used to have our team registered here, and stream via edom hub. I have old cod2 server on the account, it is not active anymore. I wanted to add our 2 cod4 servers, but it dont work. Thanks.
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