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Everything posted by Firebird-X

  1. Topic Title: Rep: Firbird-X Website: www.borgclan.com Game: ET Clantag/s; [TfL] Tinas Foxy Ladies, LU (Lemmings United)
  2. So thats it I just add these and Im good to go? /rcon pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use /rcon pb_sv_restart /rcon pb_sv_USessionLimit 2 /rcon pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans /rcon pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 /rcon pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver /rcon pb_sv_writecfg
  3. I thought I had to PM the name and PW to an admin I added the lines in the Rcon for streaming... BTW Im an Army Vet.... Huahh Thanks for serving !!!! B)
  4. Ill send the name and PW when I get a reply from an admin thanks
  5. I recenlty found your site and have been on the soapbox ever since.... I just wanted to say thanks for the Job you fellas are doing and I we are currently in the process of getting our servers streamg... Regards
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