Rule #1 (and this isn't necessarily a PBBans rule, but more of something that server admins should agree upon amongst us).
NEVER publish the name of a cheat file, cheat site, or cheater's name, or anything that even remotely relates to anything who's root word is "cheat". Publishing the names of cheat files and sites can only serve the people who create and run them. Publishing the name or GUID of a cheater that you can't catch, satisfies their need for the recognition that they lack in every other aspect of their lives, thereby giving these geldings a reason to live. You see, gaming while using cheats is their favourite passtime, second ONLY to all the time they spend engaging in involuntary rectal penetration.
Rule #2
Before ever posting anything, refer to Rule #1, or you may be regarded as an advertiser/satisfied customer/member/supporter of these types of sites.