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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I have a dream that one day, all PB enabled games have a filter for the in-game browsers that demonstrates clearly which servers are streaming. Most servers that do are proud enough of it that they tell you so in a scrolling server message. I would suggest keeping a list of favourites that stream.
  2. You mean a server to rent? ...or a server to borrow?
  3. The short answer is "no", no it does not. It's very sad, but sometimes it's easier for a hoster to blame you or something your doing than admit that their hosting you for full price but providing sub-par service. There are a few settings that might help to reduce your latency issues. Check your settings next to mine and see if maybe there are a few tweaks that might help. http://tacticalresourcecenter.com/phpBB2/v...c.php?p=857#857 Beyond those, it could be a provider issue as RoadWarrior mentions above.
  4. I had an account here, albeit dormant, but now I can't access it to set up streaming for my servers? Is there anyone I need to contact directly for this?
  5. :rolleyes: :blink: :rolleyes:
  6. Not sure...but I doubt it. It would be harder to kill someone who knows you're coming (even silently) if they were using a wallhack or something, but a level of "invincibility"? If that's what you mean, I don't think so. Player vulnerability is set server-side. Stream. I'm willing to elaborate on this one, or you could just go HERE
  7. Rule #1 (and this isn't necessarily a PBBans rule, but more of something that server admins should agree upon amongst us). NEVER publish the name of a cheat file, cheat site, or cheater's name, or anything that even remotely relates to anything who's root word is "cheat". Publishing the names of cheat files and sites can only serve the people who create and run them. Publishing the name or GUID of a cheater that you can't catch, satisfies their need for the recognition that they lack in every other aspect of their lives, thereby giving these geldings a reason to live. You see, gaming while using cheats is their favourite passtime, second ONLY to all the time they spend engaging in involuntary rectal penetration. Rule #2 Before ever posting anything, refer to Rule #1, or you may be regarded as an advertiser/satisfied customer/member/supporter of these types of sites.
  8. You're right...he IS a scumbag cheater. Are you the admin from a streaming server?
  9. Looks clean to me. The only thing I think it shows conclusively is that one of his teammates is behind the sanbags under the "awning" between the buildings in Carentan, but he's obscured by either some gray smoke, or a recent explosion. That's obviously not the original .png, but from that image and a quick cross-check of the GUID, it looks 100% clean to me.
  10. No. With the sample rate of your screeenshots set to 2, and the image being a .jpg instead of the original .png, I can't say with any degree of certainty that I see ANYTHING altogether sinister. I see some grayish pixels that are somewhat more highly concentrated in some areas than others, but the image is so "soupy" when you zoom it, that there's no way to know for sure. The original, unconverted images MIGHT yield more conclusive proof, but not these.
  11. Just my 2 cents, but... Hooligan, If you and the league admins (and any reasonable person) view these screenshots and the demo, it should be obvious that this posture represents a distinct advantage to the player using it. If it IS in fact happening in-game, this person is "cheating" by definition, because he can still move about at regular speed without exposing the full height of a player model. Even though nobody has seen this before DURING PAM play (only in ready-up), doesn't mean somebody didn't figure out how to do it. If it can be proven, we need to find a way to scan for it, and ban for it.
  12. You would need an 3rd party application to de-interlace the screenshots for proper viewing, although even without doing that, chances are if someone is cheating, you would be able to tell anyway. None of the above shots demonstrate any advantage for this player over the others.
  13. How do you know they had a wall hack? There's NO bug on these screenshots. They're relatively clear, and they certainly look clean.
  14. It's not your fault buddy. It's just something that server admins need to update in their pbsvuser.cfg cod2mp_s.exe: different versions of this file are available through Steam, D2D, and other online shops with downloadable versions of CoD2 It's not possible to create a check for all versions so its better to remove this check to avert false kicks.
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