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  1. Hi, While you are busy getting things back up, how do we submit screenshots at this moment? Cheaters never take a break, and I want them on your banlists. Can we use the forum for now? Goddess
  2. Hi, I got a problem with the pbbans hub greeting. One player noticed a strange greeting when he joined the server and asked me to check the logs. And according to the logs a greeting was sent to the server, only problem is that the greeting is not something I have added. This is the greeting that should not have been there: Can someone explain to me how come that greeting was there? Was there any problems with the pbbans hub at the time? And the xxxx is mine... I replaced the users ip and guid. Thx Goddess
  3. Yeah it's a pb problem. I had to re-install the server, because the new pb update kept crashing the server. After the re-install, I entered the server and the greeting was there. Then when pb was done updating the files on the server, it restarted pb on the server and greeting was gone. But atleast the server don't crash anymore....
  4. I got the same thing in Americas Army. Everything is sent to the server, but nothing shows up in game: 12/07/07 17:32:31 Log: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [pb_sv_say 0 Message]
  5. If you could forward the logs to AON that would be great! Thanks alot for making this possible.
  6. HUB Game: AAO Clantag: =![3M]!=
  7. HUB Game: AAO Clantag: =![3M]!=
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