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Everything posted by D3athW!sh

  1. call of duty 4 is gona be freaking awesome!!! i already bought my new pc and my 8800 Ultra.. can't wait!!!!
  2. that;s fine. u guys can delete it.. doesn't matter to me :-)
  3. i had this old server on the system.. i don't know if u guys can remove it.. i don't have this server up anymore.. ip ===== > thank you :-)
  4. Thank u so much for ur help !!! keep the good work !! :)
  5. Is there a way to change Tag to== > Bolt Rifles and the Name to == > Bolt Rifles
  6. Tag: :|ezln|: Name: ezln Website: www.deathwish.clanservers.com Game: CoD2 Server: i have a second server too. can that one be added as well === >
  7. HUB GAME == > CALL OF DUTY 2 CLANTAG == > D3athW1sh my xfire== > nymarvinny
  8. HUB GAME == > CALL OF DUTY 2 CLAN TAG == > D3athW1sh
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