It's an odd/crazy question, I know but I'll explain my reasons :)
I run a 50ish person lan party event and one of the less serious tourneys we host is FEAR:Combat.
Last event we had to disable pb on our server as it was causing some players (and organisers) problems. I know for a fact that those players weren't cheating/whatever but sadly pb didn't want to play ball.
Recently I've been thinking of building a web interface to make admining all our servers a bit easier and more centralized (we have about 10-15 running 24/7 at our events) and the punkbuster web control panel seems a very simple and easy way of doing this. However, I don't want to go through the hassle of having to deal with half our attendees coming to me with technical difficulties due to pb not liking them.
So...any ideas?
Sorry if this has already been asked before or if it's inherently stupid. I've admin'd a lot of servers but not really used pb that much on any of them...