We support since a long time a ET-Installer (windows) that contains latest pb, activates the 2 needed punkbuster services and of course installs 2.60b. I also added a simple "keygen" to create a key during install.
The problem i see atm is: The generated key does not have the same length as common pb keys. This may end in getting banned on some server as they check the pb_guid length.
It's also sad to see now etkey.org etkey.net and who knows next might be .com .eu .co.uk .nl. We all have the same problem, why don't look for 1 solution together...
A very simple way to create a unique etkey. Just put that quote into a file like etkey.bat and run it.
Edit: lol -> http://www.noobsforever.net/leecher.html :D