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Everything posted by tymac

  1. I can't get more then 10-15 minutes of game play before being kicked by this stupid error message..
  2. Alright, if you've seen my last thread, you'll know that i was having a problem with punkbuster and being kicked every 10-15 minutes of game play. so, here is the new error that is popping up.. the old one no longer pops up. and as far as pbsetup goes.. i've followed the directions on how to run it.. and still, no help.
  3. i've tried the pbsetup tool. where exactly should i set the path?? straight to the html files or what?
  4. ok, so just recently i started getting kicked for no apparent reason... i'll just play for a while and then get kicked.. when this happens, this error message comes up. i am on mac osx here is what's in my pb folder... any suggestions are highly appreciated.
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