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  1. i would just like to clarify a few points here please. bulldog aka grudge i have not spoken to you over this issue at all, i have spoken to kraut and winters and did say i would try to find more information although i have asked the cheatpolice if they could shed some light on the issue as im a trusted admin there is no bad blood here either mate i was only making you guys aware of the issue. I was shocked to see kp kicked via pb. as he was also deemed to be a friend.. and the information i was recieving over r_intensity was there is a default server side setting which is set by admins of the said server, but this would not generate an exploit just a default setting that must match the server. I have actually tried this to see what actually the kick is for. I was kicked for having a different setting ie. pb kicked v3n0m for r_intensity 2 when default is 1. which i see from the post is acceptable considering no servers are the same. All i was trying to say is that the actually kick relating to punkbuster did not say that with KP...... it said r_intensity exploit and im assuming this is different due to the 2 kicks not matching. i could not get punkbuster to kick me from the server with the same kick info. I do not wish to argue this issue i can not find any info at all with reference to Pb r_intensity exploit or violation. It may have been something inocent but as a fellow gamer and friend felt the need to inform a trusted clan please do not judge me for asking for help with this kick and making you aware of the situation. As a trusted admin i too wish to help clean up gaming but its a big field and sometimes ever mole hill needs to be looked at to see if there is a valid reason for it...... if there isnt then i apologize publicly for picking at sal!ency KP for his kick...... I just needed someone to clarify the kick information and as of yet there is no info found just server side config setting
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