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Everything posted by Poltergeist

  1. I've got streaming issues with my league servers, and now they are all back again. How can I regain access to SGA forum? Regards
  2. Thanks then :)
  3. I've got a few servers wich wasn't streaming for a long time... Now I've got back with 2 server streaming. Does SGA Access restores automatically?
  4. I would like to add three admins that help me with cheat control @ servers and league. Here are their logins info: SpawnBRAS Shaman seco My team info: *************************************************************** Team: Liga Brasileira de ET (LigaETBR|) Account ID: 326 Streaming Status: Streaming (5 / 5) *************************************************************** thanks... if any more info needed I'll do it :)
  5. Dunno if it can be made for all servers at once :P And dunno if brazilian servers could be also added... but would be great if they could :) Hub Game: ET Clantag; LigaETBR|
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