well this guys name is killer. he has been banned MANY times from our server but seems to be coming back. my estimation is that he was banned about 8 times from our server. our server name is something like G!X BLUE LIGHTSABERS!! on 2.55. ill try to get this guys guid and ip adress later but heres an image for now of him. check his headshots and kills. bots usually have tree times more headshots then kills. also when i was spectating him, he bounces off one head to another:
if you cant see very well go here: http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/10379/200...92477965_rs.jpg
please do something about this.
REAL Server Name: (Finding out now)
GUID: (Finding out now)
IP Adress (Finding out now)
Version: 2.55
Username on server: killer