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Everything posted by Domi

  1. i guess you have to try in CoD4 / CoD2 etc
  2. Can u give me the links? (soz was on vacation :P)
  3. Clan Tag: Kpks. (for now...) Clan Name: Kapoks Website: http://www.kapoks.co.uk/ IP:
  4. i've seen that ET got some new Punkbuster thingy's Punkbuster A + B.. While B uses like 31% of your CPU.. it can be removed from the pc.. i got a file from a friend for it.. but i wanna make sure i wont get trouble with it.. If its needed i can give the prog
  5. IP: clantag: Rhenium Game: ET (yes i know.. its back again)
  6. Game: Enemy Territory Clantag: Rhenium Hub
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