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Everything posted by #cM

  1. Hi Went through the process again and noticed that pbbanshub was already entered, so deleted the entry and tried as you suggested MaydaX and still doesn't stream. Must be a GSP issue and as i said i'll try there later tonight. Cheers
  2. Many Thanks for the advice. I'll need to do some further testing as my server has just been patched to Now whenever I try and use Clanforge Live Control it reports back as pb_sv_uconlist = Unknown command, yet PB is running and enabled. Will contact Multiplay. Cheers
  3. Hmmm I'm having problems streaming, never had issues in the past with CoD2, CoD4 but BFBC2 just isn't working. I've tried the webtool and even though it reports back as done & ok, it still wont stream. Tried the direct console tool scripts & entered all the commands separately and still not streaming. The pb_sv_uconlist reported NO entries after all the commands, so knew it wasn't going to work. I've also done manual placing of files via Clanforge (yes Multiplay customer) and still not working, yet I've used the same method with Clanforge as I have done with COD2 & CoD4. So it must be a GSP Side problem, well hopefully :( Cheers Candyman
  4. Cannon-Fodder Clan

  5. Hello Many Thanks for your help. Cheers Candyman
  6. Good Morning. Hub Request for Server - Game - CoD2 Tag - .:{-CF-}:. ALL the files have been loaded to the server as per the instructions. Many Thanks Candyman
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