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About Nephris

  • Birthday 03/03/1978

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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Cheerz m8, got it! Another question is,...can i stream to the hub although my submitted PBSS wouldnt be valid, but i can get the advantage of life banning and remaing hub features?
  2. Hi folks, i am not anymore a streaming Gema admin any longer coz we sut down our ranked server. Nevertheless i am hosting a Modserver on a machine at home. Of course i cant stream, nevertheless i ll use the mbl and i want to check PBSS ... I got the server running now in using bf2cc, of course i got full access ... Right now my question, i where have i to set a path where the PBSS shall be saved to? I hoped the SS will be automatically stored to the pb/svss folder but they didnt. Can u give me a hint where and how to set it up?
  3. Got my version yesterday and atmosperically (do u type it like that?ffs...)it just rocks and beats sometimes the winter missions of UO.You cant really compare it to those versions before coz the topic is different.Of course it is easier to get atmo to ww2 themed games...they are playing 65 years before.However,the assembly in grafics,gameplay (cod loyal)and missions were just awesome...probably u just need to get used that COD isnt WW2 anymore but modern warfare. For all those of u who arent sure....get the demo and u get a certain clue. Concerning MP Maps...nothing changed really...if we left the topic beside....probably we ll get a MP Demo too,...so those who are not sure can also test the MP Demo... Fazit: COD4 rocks as COD2 did.....it will lose some fans but i think it will get more new in the end. Be lucky that it doesnt behave in the same relationship as it did with Operatiohn Flashpoint and ArmA.... :wacko: :rockon:
  4. I suppose it is battlefield and a ranked server?In that way u would need to get your PBBSS by provider CP. You wont get any other access to that server as to your settz for the game and the PBSS.
  5. When i check our server on the main webpage on the Server Index it sais "server not found in our database". But when i check it via Account manager everything is fine .
  6. Hello friends, we rebooted yesterday the server by our provider I3D on their website in order to update some softare concerning the non-working point system of BF2 atm. After it i checked if our server is still streaming, but it isn´t. Send a "heartbeat" ..... nothing Send the sctivation to get streamed (we did at the start to get connected to PBBANS) but also this took no effect. Any suggestions i ve to do....? Cheerz Edit: My Team Accounbt tells me the server is running,...the tool on the website doesn´t. Which one is right?
  7. The glithes are long well known, but probably not to fix for EA/Dice....who knows. However it is no cheat just a bug, and bugusing is not allowed by EA and of course we don´t want those on our server, so we ban those guys.
  8. Thx m8, didnt thought about the PB commands, only thought about to manage it in bf2cc (adim tool). It is no cheat ,it is just a glitch -> using a model bug.Almost every bf player knows about it, but only the "small wieners" use it to score their points, coz they can´t get hit inside the building ut can kill everyone outside. There are tons of videos e.g. youtube how to get into those buildings.On that map are about 5 buildings, where u can enter with a hook....
  9. Hi friends, today we got PBSS of some Glitcher ,we dont want to give a platform to play at. So i want to ban him. I noticed that glitch after viewing the PBSS, so i was not able to ban him directly ingame, but i ve got his GUID from the PBSS.I checked if it works when i type in the hash code with my own, but it didn´t. How to ban someone, when i ve only the informations the PBSS give me? Btw: Bf2 @ bf2cc
  10. I also found a bunch of "non public" cheat sites...i send them already to Evenbalance, but can PBBANS also deal with those wnky toys in any kind?So i would send the urls also per pm to PBBANS Admins.
  11. This is a kind of pitty imo....i fear in BF it will be the same.To see the "fruits of work growing" would speed up the motivation to check 500 PBSS/day a bit more. However, the maintaince is we can prevent most cheaters not to play on our servers.
  12. Hi friends, i was wondering if i can check if already banned players were trying to join our streming servers. Means to see the effect of banning cheaters/hackers. E.g. player "the_poor_cheater" was banned on 23.03.07 and tried to join a streming server yesterday, but he wasn´t able to because he is on the MBI - of course.Will the fact that he tried to join reported anywhere to any log or sth like that?
  13. I would like to add our second admin to the Team Account. My Account:572 User to be added: Hoki-Doki Thx
  14. Thx m8 The PBSS still got the entry of enemy Territory, can that be the prob?I send u (Benway) a pm.In my PBSS Manager GUID and MD5 is shown.
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