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    Combat Maximus
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  1. It is not related at all. That is a question about whether PunksBusted would accept video? I am not asking whether you would accept video or not, I am asking whether or not anything "Mudgunner" said was true about detecting hackers.
  2. I have no other topics relating to this, this is a unique question to you guys.
  3. Hello, I run a BF2 server, and I had a clan come in and play a little bit odd. I went on their teamspeak to listen for hack / cheat discussion to see if my assessment was right. I didn't hear anything for awhile, and finally I asked them if they were playing the game legally. They were appalled that I had asked them such a question, and said they were leading experts at punkbusted.com, and they tell me they know everything their is to know about catching hackers. I would like it is some of the experts here could assist me in determining whether they are right or not, I disagree with them, but I do not know as much as you guys do. Quote from MudGunner on Punksbusted.com I would like it is you guys could evalute these statements with me here. What I look for when I think someone is not playing legitimately is headshots, "knowing" where players are and killing them all the time, doing unbelievable things over and over and over. This man thinks that aimbotters and the rest of them will systematically kill a server and make it go over on bandwidth? Is this right? :huh: Thanks for your help!
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