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About pNz.Rush

  • Birthday 02/27/1979

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    Enemy Territory
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Hi, we also have a busted # 59019 in our team, a clean person who can no longer play the officials cups , please remove these bans, we also expect. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=63763
  2. Merci simpa :P
  3. Salut, j'ai changer l'adresse ip du "hub", j'ai ensuite re-activ
  4. Le stream n'est pas encore actif, pbbans remets le serveur en route pour l'instant on attends tous, enfin je pense :P
  5. Salut, le serveur a
  6. Thanks, I want to know if there are manual configurations or if the “stream” is automatic, and if a player lights his "cheat" in the course of part, is what the “stream” will detect it and will banish it?? the “stream” is active in premanence not? Because us faisont much of matches and one needs some really against the “cheaters”. THX.
  7. Hello, my server is “stream” via HUB and when I look at my account, I see well what it is “streaming” but it is not in “msi rep list”. I want to know what is the "msi rep list" and if it's possible to put my server in this list. THANKS pNz|Team ->clan pNz|K.Lash ->administrator
  8. HUB Enemy territory Clan tag : pNz
  9. enemy territory HUB admin : pNz|K.Lash xfire : panzerkalash I have a private server "french" and i want to known if it's possible to "stream" as a "public server" ?? thanks
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