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Everything posted by Concerned_parent

  1. Not that its any of your business but I have a special modded server that has no blood. It is for kids. Instead of bullets and guns you have sling shots with paint balls and the panzers shoot green slime. Artillery strikes are multiple water balloons and satchel charges will not cause any damage. If anyone has kids I would be happy to hand out the IP. I would rather not post it here due to harassment.
  2. I am very disturbed at something my 9 year old son has found on your site. He plays a free game called Enemy Territory and is in a clan. My son assumed a player was cheating, so I directed him to this site. I figured it was safe since it was an ant-cheat web site. I was very pissed off and disgusted when I saw my 9 YEAR OLD looking at this http://pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=19558 Can you please explain this filth to me? Why would this be viewable by anybody of any age? I have filed complaints with proper authorities and be sure you have not heard the last of me! You filthy, inconsiderate, demoralized, bed wetters.
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